Andrea Pimpini

“The World Tour” is a project born from an idea i had during my stay in Macau, China. I thought about many experiences i had in foreign countries: Japan, Macau, Hong Kong, Iceland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, etc. And then i realized that many people do not even know some of these countries or have never thought of going there.

“The World Tour” is a new series of articles that will be published every month (i’ll try weekly but delays could be possible since priority will be given to quality) on (for english readers) and (in italian).

What is the difference between my articles and the others already present online? Well, i’ll speak about my experiences: no guides, no promotions… It will simply be like an informal speech when you’re taking a beer with your friend. Then if you’ll find something useful for you, i’m happy. If not, we would have simply had a conversation.

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